Recently, especially since the launch of Prime, sharing Amazon accounts has become very popular thereby giving others access to your order history. Orders that you don’t want others to view occasionally appear in your Amazon account. You can solve this problem by archiving an Amazon order.

Finding the archived orders on Amazon, however, can be confusing for many consumers.

This post will assist you in finding any archived orders you or someone else may have on your Amazon account. How to Find Orders Archived on Amazon? is what I’ll be explaining in this section.

Additionally, I’ll describe what Archived orders are on Amazon and how to archive an order before teaching you how to locate your Archived Orders and leaving some helpful information about them.

Please read with pleasure!

What Are “Archived Orders” on Amazon?

On Amazon, “Archived orders” are orders made through your account that you don’t want to appear in your Default Order History. To hide their order information, Amazon users frequently use this option. A record of an order is still preserved once it is archived; the information is not removed.

You should be aware that each account is only allowed to have 500 archived orders.

There is no automatic order archiving; you must do it yourself. It’s quite easy to do this. I will explain it if you don’t already know.

Why Archive Orders?

There are various reasons why you might not want your order to be visible in your order history, including; It might be a gift for a relative who also shares Amazon Prime with you, or perhaps an inappropriate order was placed and requires some level of anonymity, among other reasons.

Anybody with access to archived orders can still read your orders even after you archive them because they are just made invisible from showing in your order history.

How To Archive Orders on Amazon

The steps below would guide you on how to archive orders on Amazon:

  1. Sign in to your Amazon account.
  1. Hover over Account & Lists and click Orders.
How To Archive Orders on Amazon. Tutorial Image 1
  1. Locate the order you want to archive by scrolling down. Click Archive Order in the lower left corner of the order.
How To Archive Orders on Amazon. Tutorial Image 2
  1. Amazon will ask you to verify if you want to archive this order. Tap Archive Order again.
How To Archive Orders on Amazon. Tutorial Image 3
  1. A message confirming that the order has been archived should appear on the top of the screen.

That is it. The above steps explain how you can easily archive orders on Amazon.

How To Find Archived Orders On Amazon

In your Amazon account, you can simply find and view any archived orders that you or another user may have placed. You can do this using the easy techniques shown below. Simply follow the easy instructions, and everything else will take care of itself.

  1. Go to your Amazon account and log in 
  1. Hover over Account & Lists and click On your orders 
How To Find Archived Orders On Amazon. Tutorial image 1
  1. In your account tab, Click on Archived orders.
How To Find Archived Orders On Amazon. Tutorial image 1
  1. This will redirect you to a page where you see a list of all of your archived orders. If you do not have any item in your archive, you will see a screen like the one below.
How To Find Archived Orders On Amazon. Tutorial image 1

On this same page, you can also Unarchive an order if you want it to appear on your order history. Just click Unarchived order in the lower-left corner to finish the process.

Note: Even if you use the aforementioned way to archive your orders from the list of recent purchases you made, your Amazon browsing history will still contain a record of your searches, making it simple for someone to view your most recent purchases.

To prevent anyone from having an idea about what you have ordered and what products you have viewed in the last few months, you will need more than to archive your account

On Amazon, you can either completely disable your browsing history so that no one can view your orders or hide your browsing history search by removing an order from it.

To hide your browsing history search on Amazon, here is what to do: 

  1. Go to your Amazon website and log in to your account.
  1. Hover on Account & Lists and click on Browsing history.
  1. Find the item you want to remove and click the Remove from view button.
  1. You’ll then see a “Removed” message over the order, and the section will be grayed out. The order will disappear if you refresh the page.

How To Disable Browsing History on Amazon

You can disable your browsing history on Amazon by following the following steps:

  1. Hover on Account & Lists and click on Browsing history.
How To Disable Browsing History on Amazon. Image 1
  1. Click on Manage History.
How To Disable Browsing History on Amazon. Image 2
  1. Toggle the switch in front of Turn Browsing History On/Off
How To Disable Browsing History on Amazon. Image 3
  1. You have successfully set up your account not to keep track of your browsing history anymore.

Final Thoughts 

Go to your Account page to view your past orders. Then select Archived orders. From this point, you can interact with your orders as usual. You can examine the order information, repurchase it, request help, or submit a review. Click Unarchive order in the lower-left corner of the order if you want to take an order out of your archived orders.

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