Have you been notified by the delivery service provider that your package has been Tendered to delivery service provider?
You probably have no idea what it is, what to do next, or what it all means. Stop stressing about it; this article has all you need to know about it.
What does Tendered to Delivery Service Provider Mean?
This simply means that your package has been successfully delivered or handed over (tendered) to the local carrier that will make the final delivery to you. This final delivery is also known as last mile delivery.
Usually, this notification is often sent by the local carrier that will make the last mile delivery.
Therefore, when your package status updates to “tendered to delivery service provider,” it simply means that the shipping partner has delivered your package to the last local delivery unit closest to your area; from there, the last-mile carrier will get your package to its final destination (your location or door post).
Therefore, when you see this message there’s nothing to be scared of, it simply means that your package is close, and will get to you as soon as possible.
What does “tendered to Postal Service” mean?
This is another common notification that confuses a lot of people.

Tendered to postal service simply means that your parcel has been handed over to the designated local post office in your city who is responsible for the last mile delivery.
At this point, the shipping partner who transported your parcel to the last mile delivery has officially handed over your package to the local post office.
All the documentation has been successfully done, and the parcel has been scanned and everything is ready and set to be delivered to you without any further steps.
Usually, you should expect to receive your parcel within 24 to 48hours after receiving this update.
What is the difference between Departed shipping partner facility and Tendered to delivery service provider?
Departed shipping partner facility means that your package was initially picked up by a third-party carrier, who will partially transport the item to a designated local USPS unit for final delivery.
If you get a message that your shipment has “departed shipping partner facility,” keep in mind that this is likely only the first step(maybe the second step or even the third step, you never know) in a long delivery procedure and not an indication that your package is close to you.
While Tendering to delivery service provider implies your item has been handed off to the local carrier (the last bus stop) who will complete the delivery to your door.
Tendered to delivery service provider is the last stage of the delivery process before your goods eventually get to you. In most circumstances, your shipment will arrive within 24 to 48 hours after you get the notice.
Which Carriers makes use of the update “Tendered to Delivery Service Provider”?
Tender to delivery service provider message is actually used by any carrier that tenders their package to another service provider for a last mile delivery.
This includes:
- FedEx
- 4px etc.
Generally, FedEx handles every bit of their shipment without needing the help of any shipping partner.
So hardly would you get the tendered to delivery service provider notification from FedEx except when you are using their FedEx smartPost service to get your package.
The Tendered To Delivery Service Provider message from FedEx simply means that the package has been handed over to USPS for last mile delivery.
Unlike FedEx, DHL doesn’t usually handle 100% of their shipment. They work hand in hand with USPS or FedEx quite often.
So, when you see the tendered to Delivery Service Provider message pop up from DHL it often means that your parcel has either been handed over to USPS or DHL for a last mile delivery.
Like FedEx, UPS also handles almost 100% of their shipment.
So hardly would you get the Tendered for delivery message from UPS except when you are using their UPS sure post service. This is very similar to FedEx as mentioned above.
So, when you see the Tendered for delivery message from UPS it often means that it has been handed over to USPS for final delivery.
4px is a Chinese based shipping company that is widely used in European countries like USA, Australia, UK etc.
The Tendered For Delivery message from 4px simply means that it has been handed over to USPS for final delivery.
When I get this message, do I have to take any special action?
No, you actually don’t need to do anything. No action is needed from your end, maybe all you need to do is to expect your package to be handed over to you within 24 to 48hours after getting the notification.
How long will it take for my package to arrive after the update?
Usually, it takes about 24 to 48hours to receive your package after receiving this update.
Why do carriers “Tender” to “Delivery Service Providers”?
The reason why carriers tender to delivery service providers is because local postal services are most suited to make the final delivery because of their proximity to the recipient.
This proximity advantage is the major reason they can conveniently deliver right to the doorstep of every recipient as fast as possible.
The major carriers like FedEx, DHL etc. have made efforts to use their extensive distribution networks and streamlined processes to offer consumers more affordable plans.
For instance, FedEx may save money by not having to send vehicles to each address, thus, this will help in reducing the final cost to you. Because the item is passed over to USPS for delivery instead of being sent directly, which adds a few more days to the delivery schedule.
This is more cost-effective and faster than having FedEx deploy trucks to each address.
Thus, this makes delivery very cheap and affordable for both the carriers and the customers.
After three weeks, the shipment has still not arrived despite being “tenderered to service provider.” what to do next?
The parcel is finally tendered for delivery, but it’s been three weeks and it hasn’t come. In this case, it’s obvious that something isn’t quite right.
Calling the original carrier’s customer service is your best chance; they’ll do their utmost to track down your shipment and provide you with the most up-to-date information possible.